sexta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2015

Petição Pública de apoio aos patriotas ucranianos

Apoio à reabilitação de militares ucranianos

Para: Senhora Presidente da Assembleia da República, Senhora Presidente da Assembleia da República,

Os subscritores do presente Manifesto dirigem o seu apelo ao Estado Português para que subsidie os tratamentos e a reabilitação de alguns militares e combatentes-voluntários do exército ucraniano feridos no conflito armado na Ucrânia, em hospitais públicos ou privados em Portugal, em número e de acordo com as possibilidades existentes.

Estes militares, muitos de forma voluntária, arriscaram as suas vidas e à custa da sua saúde não só defendiam a integridade do seu país mas também contribuíam para que o conflito armado não se alastrasse para o resto do território da Ucrânia, não chegasse mesmo às portas da União Europeia, conseguindo evitar deslocações de refugiados para países da mesma. Eles estão a travar a luta para reestabelecer a paz na Europa.

Os peticionários têm conhecimento através das declarações das instituições governamentais ucranianas à comunicação social que 15 países recebem militares ucranianos para os tratamentos e a reabilitação. De acordo com os dados de Dezembro de 2014, setenta e três combatentes recebiam os tratamentos na Polónia, onze em Israel, oito na Croácia, quatro na Eslováquia, cinco no Reino Unido, treze na Letónia, quatro nos Estados Unidos da América, cinco na Alemanha. Vários países oferecem medicamentos e equipamento médico, deslocam os seus profissionais de saúde à Ucrânia para prestar apoio, avaliação e realização de cirurgias.

Os ucranianos valorizam o bom acolhimento que receberam em Portugal desde sempre, e agradeceram a ajuda que lhes foi dada com a sua integração, o seu conhecimento, o seu bom empenho e trabalho para o bem do país para onde vieram viver, assim foram estabelecidos laços bem fortes entre as duas nações. Esperamos que o Estado Português apoie a Ucrânia nesta altura tão difícil.

Por tudo isto os peticionários consideram essencial a colaboração e a ajuda de Portugal no tratamento e reabilitação dos militares feridos.

Agradecendo antecipadamente a atenção de V. Exa., apresentamos os nossos melhores cumprimentos.

Primeiros peticionários:

Iuliia Voroshylova (investigadora científica, Grupo de jovens ucranianos em Portugal «Synytsia»), Vasyl Bundzyak (padre ortodoxo de patriarcado de Kyiv, Braga), Pavlo Sadokha (Presidente da Associação dos Ucranianos em Portugal), Andriy Veber (Presidente da Delegação de Vila Nova de Gaia da Associação dos Ucranianos em Portugal), Nuno Miguel Trindade Lourenço (advogado, Alenquer), Tetiana Franchuk (Grupo de jovens ucranianos em Portugal «Synytsia»), Olena Nesterenko Afonso (professora de línguas, Coimbra), Svitlana Oksyuta (professora de música, Porto), Galyna Ilyuk (professora de música, Santo Tirso), Olena Dvoininova (Directora da escola ucraniana Cirilo-Metódio em Braga, doutorada em História)

Para assinar:

domingo, 8 de fevereiro de 2015

Contraceptivos orais relacionados

ao maior risco de cancro cerebral raro

Brain cancer has been added to the list of risks for women taking birth control pills.

According to a new Danish study, women are 50% more likely to develop a certain type of brain tumor known as glioma, if they have taken oral contraceptives at any point in their lives, while women who used them for five years or longer are at twice the risk.

The study also found that women taking progestin-only contraceptives had a slightly higher risk of developing gliomas.

Despite the results, published January 22 in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Doctor David Gaist, the physician behind the study, says that they «shouldn’t yet be interpreted as a reason to stop taking birth control,» according to Time Magazine.

«An overall risk-benefit evaluation favors continued use of hormonal contraceptives,» Gaist, a neurologist at Odense University Hospital and the University of Southern Denmark, also said.

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It was a tumor in the glioma group that afflicted Brittany Maynard, the woman whose tragic situation made headlines last fall when her plans to end her life were exploited by pro-euthanasia activists.

Although studies have pointed to myriad risks associated with chemical contraception, including blood clots and even death, their use remains pervasive in the U.S.

The CDC estimated in 2012 that 10.6 million U.S. women (more than a quarter of the 62% of women of child-bearing age using contraception) are taking chemical contraception.

The most commonly prescribed type of oral contraceptive in the U.S. is the man-made combination of the natural female hormones estrogen and progesterone, according to the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health.

It’s also very easy today for underage girls to be given chemical contraceptives without their parents’ consent, either by schools or abortion providers.

The Danish study focused on women between ages 15 and 49 years who had been diagnosed with glioma, looking at whether they were given chemical contraceptives and for what length of time.

Other medical professionals joined Gaist in cautioning against allowing the study numbers to influence women into going off of chemical birth control.

«It’s something women should be aware about, but I don’t think there is enough evidence to say don’t use it,» Doctor Santosh Kesari, director of neuro-oncology at the University of California San Diego and member of the American Academy of Neurology, said according to Time. Kesari said that rates of gliomas have not spiked since the launch of hormonal contraceptives.

While Duke University Professor of Obstetrics Doctor Evan Myers said the Danish study was well done, «he stressed that the study couldn't prove a cause-and-effect relationship between hormonal contraception use and risk for glioma,» according to CBS.

Countless studies over the years have indicated numerous risks to women who take oral contraceptives, including increased risk of cervical cancer, doubled risk of heart attacks, association with Atherosclerosis, blood clots, almost doubled stroke risk, loss of bone density, increased breast cancer risk, and prostate cancer and bladder disease.

In 2005 the WHO categorized combined estrogen-progestogen oral contraceptives as Group 1 carcinogens, the highest category of carcinogenicity.

The combined estrogen-progestogen contraceptives were also the most commonly prescribed forms of contraceptives worldwide at the time, meaning more than 100 million women, or about 10% of all women of reproductive age globally, were using them.

Nature and animals are not immune to the effects of these drugs, and chemical contraceptives have caused problems with water supplies, and been found to harm wildlife after being emitted into sewer systems via the urine of contracepting women.

News of the study results was no surprise to pro-life advocates who regularly educate on the dangers of the pill.

«We have known for years that there are severe risks to women’s health from the birth control pill and similar products,» Jim Sedlak, vice-president of the American Life League told Life Site News.

Sedlak pointed out two significant things about the new study.

«First, it ties the use of the pill to the brain tumor,» he said. «But, what may be more significant, problems with the pill have normally been attributed to the estrogen in the pill.»

«This study shows the harm done by progestin-only pills was actually greater in this case,» Sedlak told LifeSiteNews. «The conclusion is that there really are not any safe birth control pills.»